Dutch graphic art of the 20th century
Niederländische grafische Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts
Art graphique néerlandais du 20ème siècle
Arte gráfico holandés del siglo 20


For those of you who are not familiar with the dutch language, here's the list of tags (= trefwoorden) translated from Dutch into English. I skipped the obvious ones and of course the artists' names.

affiche = poster
dieren = animals
ets = etching
hoogdruk = relief printing
houtgravure = wood engraving
houtsnede = woodcut
kleur = colour
kopergravure = copper engraving
landschap = landscape
linoleumsnede = linocut
materiaaldruk =  material printing
mensen = people
naakt =  nude
schaaftechniek = scratchboard or scraperboard
stadsgezicht = city view
stilleven = still life
zeefdruk = silkscreen or serigraphy
zwartwit = black and white